Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Week 4 Independent Study

1. Movie Trailers as reference

(The book of Eli)
The reason for selecting this trailer is because the situation is similar to experiment 2, this movie is a post-apocalyptic movie that shows the world 31 years after the world 'ended'. The scenes in the trailer were gloomy and it is good to see the surroundings after destruction.

This movie has impacted me a lot in term of seeing how the world will end especially when the movie first came out. The movie shows how the world coming to an end and disastrous scenes happening at the same time. Through this movie, I thought of having a natural disaster, like water swiping the surface of the earth and wipes out the objects as it is most relevant to my crysis environment because my island is surrounded by water.

(The day after tomorrow)
Similar to 2012, 'The day after tomorrow' shows the end of the world happening and how the earth is taken over by the natural phenomena/disaster. It leads me to the thought of my crysis environment and how it would be like 100 years after these disasters happened.

(I am legend)
I am legend shows how Robert Neville (Will Smith) surviving on earth after a virus spread and killed most people on earth. The setting gives a very good illustration of how buildings and the environment will look like after human is gone. The buildings and places were left without maintenance and everything looks dull and dead.

(World war Z)
The parts that I could apply after watching the trailer were such as things breaking and cracking, for example how glass cracks when hit by a hard object and the destruction of buildings.

(After earth)
This movie is about a father and son crashes on earth a thousand year after cataclysmic events forced human to abandon earth. Although the setting seems unreal but it could be something I want to have as a scene in my own crysis environment, maybe not to the extend of what is in this movie but the idea of having something so superficial is worth a reference.


This week's lecture was really practical, and I think the demonstration given was really helpful to help blend two materials on a surface. Some tips that were given and I should keep in mind while adjusting the texture is making sure the blend layer box is ticked in the shader parameter.

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