Monday, 26 August 2013

Week 5 Independent Study

1. Write a paragraph describing your strategy for the concealing and the revealing of your letter / number combination, to be embedded into your island.

My letter and number combination is G and 5. The strategy I am using is to have G and 5 as the shape of my island as the largest of 5 scales and I did that using geocontrols. Another strategy is to use vegetation (river tress and rocks) to form the combination, this scale is most visible at certain angles from the top view. For my micro scale, I would use brush tool to put in the combination and it will be placed on the terrain of one of my areas in the island.

2. Drafts

The Cliff

The Park

The Coast

Forest Cabins

The Forest


In this lecture, I find the sample videos useful as an inspiration on how to reveal my initial and number in my island. One particular website that I find useful was and after the lecture I went to check out their gallery page how they have managed to display the bottles in some very intelligent way and that gave me ideas on how I could plant in my letter and number. 

Week 5- The Subliminal

(testing: scale of island with the letter G)
Letter G and number 5

Different area in the island

area 2

area 3 in the island

view to the other side of the island (from area3 to area2)

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Week 4 Independent Study

Before Rain

before sky effect
sky effect


Today's lecture is on The Sublime and through some photos and places shown in lecture I roughly get the idea on what the sublime actually means. One particular place that I was quite interested was the Great Blue Hole, Belize. I found out that the hole is the submarine sinkhole off the coast of Belize. From what I observed, the geographical map, or the site on the map doesn't look that extraordinary, but thats what I find great about it, something that looks simple yet so beautiful- the hole that is so rounded (like a completed circle formed by human intentionally).

Monday, 19 August 2013

Week 4- The Sublime

1. Choose an image from today's lecture and post it to your blog.

Mount Everest, Himalayas in Nepal, China/Tibet


2. Skybox

Before Image

Sky Effect 1

Sky Effect 2


Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Week 3 Independent Study

problem encountered: cryengine failure, couldnt open for some reason.

Images showing textures and object in my island

Shaping the island

Terrain layer painting

1. 5th reference image from Capability Brown- Clumber Park vs my crisis environment

Clumber Park

my crysis environment

2. video:

3. Reflection

This week's topic was on 'The Picturesque'. What I learnt from this lecture is, sometimes, certain things doesn't have to be too practical in the picture but having certain elements in the scene or environment makes the place look nicer, or as people say more picturesque. It was interesting to see how different periods had different ways of seeing things. What I find really deep was the chinese definition of having a bridge, it means living through one's life. In the island I'm creating, I too want to create a path or a route that directs people to a place or to a scene that I particularly find interesting and nice.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Week 3 Task

1. Find an image of work for these landscape painters / landscape architects / architects / gardens.

- Claude Lorrain

Coast scene with the Rape of Europa 1667


- William Gilpin

from Observations on the River Wye


- Capability Brown

Clumber Park


- Humphrey Repton

Ashridge Garden


- J M W Turner

Chichester Canal 1829


- Chinese Garden

Ge Garden, Yangzhou

Reference images and crysis

River Wye and my environment

Chichester Canal and my evening scene

Coast scene and my object in the picture

Ashridge Garden and my night scene

Monday, 5 August 2013

Week 2 Task


1. Five reference image

1. Tahiti (French Polynesia) - aerial.

- An island with wide range of terrains that creates a cloud-touched mountaintops scene, surrounded by water. 


2. Chisos Mountains


3. Channel Islands, United States

- The feeling of late afternoon where the sun is about to set, giving the scene a darker colour tone. The terrains varied from tall and flat, to low and uneven.


4. Lord Howe Island, Australia

- The island is surrounded by water, the terrains settled in the middle, being the centre of attention. 


5. Kauai Island, Hawaii

- Lush greenery, tall terrains and sparking blue waters.


2. The basis for your island- Channel Islands, US.

3. Five images from different vantage points within your custom island

Based on Channel Islands, United States, I have managed to build my island that has similarity to the Channel Islands, United States. The connection between the sky, mountain and water seems to be really close to each other and therefore I have captured the images below based on my observation on channel islands.

Five images: 

Large Scale- with jungle trees scattered all over the terrain
Being in the forest in the evening, closer to nature. A scale where you are able to imagine yourself at such a position instead of looking at it from a distance.
Night scene in the forest, an old cabin built in the forest, overlooking the ocean.
Overlooking the cliff (the cliff is one of the large scaled elements in the island)

Similar to channel islands, I would like to different spots in the island and this spot is called the private picnic spot)

The feeling of being really misty and cold up on the mountain

Positioned on the ground, you can see the texture of terrain clearly.

Standing on top of the mountain, you can see the sky clearly and it feels like you are close to the clouds.


My second island, based on Chisos Mountains 

1. Three images of my new island: 



Night Scene

2. Watch "Creating And Adding Custom Terrain Layers". (Completed)

3. New texture terrain:

4. Image showing custom terrain texture applied to my island:

Entire Island

Night sky

Scene with tractor

AFTER (new texture) :

New texture applied

Close-up of terrain with new texture

More texture applied to island:

5. Reflection

This week's lecture was about Real vs Unreal, Hyperrealism, CGI and Demo. The content that interests me the most was on materialism, and Jana Sterbak demonstrated materialism really well by going back to the origin where an item was made out off and I thought this would be helpful for me as I select texture that looks real in my island so that the scene and environment looks real.