a. Five things about Sandbox folder structure
1. When the folder is downloaded, it comes in a zipped file which users have to extract.
2. The package consists of Bin32 and Bin 64 and it is recommended that users use the one that is compatible with their operative system.
3. The Game folder is important as it contains all the element in the game environment setting, for example materials and textures.
4. While opening settingmgr.exe, make sure that the root directory is correct. The engine state should be green in colour.
5. The tools folder contains many tools and Cryengine exporters are located here.
b. Ten tips and tricks about Sandbox User Interface
1. To change viewport, right click on the view you are on, and there will be a list of views that you can change to, for example wireframe mode. Other option would be F3 to change viewport.
2. The number on top right shows the resolution of viewport, you can pick from what is given or customise it.
3. If you want to isolate the other entities, type in the object you want to see in the by name box, and only entities related to what you want see will be shown.
4. The lock selection button means you can only work with the object you have selected.
5. Press Ctrl + G to be in game mode.
6. AI physics is similar to game, but in editor mode.
7. Generate Surface Texture on file bar only works for changes made on terrains, this is be reflected in game.
8. 'sold' object allows you to create object really quick and can be exported as obj file.
9. Modify tool allows you to modify scene and object in the editor.
10. Group object and entities to stay more organised.
11. 'save selected object' button allows you to save and export object to your own level. By doing this: select the object, click the save selected object button, save it. And when you click 'load object', you will be able to open the object that you've saved.
12. Terrain toolbar consists of terrain (can modify height maps), texture and lighting (sun, moon setup).
13. Dialogue toolbar allows you to excess material, databases, flowgraph and browse database.
Independent Study
1a) 5 ways I would customise my sandbox editor setup.
1. Go to customise toolbar, keyboard and create shortcuts of different actions that I would remember by initials. example J for jump. if it already exists, i could just overwrite it.
2. Change the console background. I can do that on preference.
3. I would also backup my map every 5 minutes so that I know my map will be saved every 5 minutes.
4. Also, on preference, i would increase the size of helper so that it is more visible.
5. I would also create a panel on the side to show what functions i use most by naming the macros and adding the function by selecting from the consule commands list.
b) 3 ways to move around in your level
1. W - move forward
2. S - move backwards
3. A - left
4. D - right
5. middle mouse button - pan around
6. right mouse button - look around
7. Alt + middle mouse button - rotate
8. Object selection:
hover over object ( you will see bounding box). to set it, do the following:
Tools > Preferences > Viewport > tick 'highlight geometry on mouse over
c) 5 shortcuts and their functions
1. Select Object Panel (ctrl d) - to select object, and has a fast select function
2. go to 'create' bar > brush and pick assets - these steps allow you to bring assets to scene
3. Open asset browser: you can browse for assets, brushes, texture and sounds
4. Database view> vegetation panel : you can manage your vegetation here
5. Database view> music: you can manage your music in the level
6. Lighting tool: allows you to change time of the day
7. Flowgraph: allows you to script your level by adding nodes to other nodes
8. View > open view pane> track view : allows you to animate camera
2. Reflection
2. The number on top right shows the resolution of viewport, you can pick from what is given or customise it.
3. If you want to isolate the other entities, type in the object you want to see in the by name box, and only entities related to what you want see will be shown.
4. The lock selection button means you can only work with the object you have selected.
5. Press Ctrl + G to be in game mode.
6. AI physics is similar to game, but in editor mode.
7. Generate Surface Texture on file bar only works for changes made on terrains, this is be reflected in game.
8. 'sold' object allows you to create object really quick and can be exported as obj file.
9. Modify tool allows you to modify scene and object in the editor.
10. Group object and entities to stay more organised.
11. 'save selected object' button allows you to save and export object to your own level. By doing this: select the object, click the save selected object button, save it. And when you click 'load object', you will be able to open the object that you've saved.
12. Terrain toolbar consists of terrain (can modify height maps), texture and lighting (sun, moon setup).
13. Dialogue toolbar allows you to excess material, databases, flowgraph and browse database.
Independent Study
1a) 5 ways I would customise my sandbox editor setup.
1. Go to customise toolbar, keyboard and create shortcuts of different actions that I would remember by initials. example J for jump. if it already exists, i could just overwrite it.
2. Change the console background. I can do that on preference.
3. I would also backup my map every 5 minutes so that I know my map will be saved every 5 minutes.
4. Also, on preference, i would increase the size of helper so that it is more visible.
5. I would also create a panel on the side to show what functions i use most by naming the macros and adding the function by selecting from the consule commands list.
b) 3 ways to move around in your level
1. W - move forward
2. S - move backwards
3. A - left
4. D - right
5. middle mouse button - pan around
6. right mouse button - look around
7. Alt + middle mouse button - rotate
8. Object selection:
hover over object ( you will see bounding box). to set it, do the following:
Tools > Preferences > Viewport > tick 'highlight geometry on mouse over
c) 5 shortcuts and their functions
1. Select Object Panel (ctrl d) - to select object, and has a fast select function
2. go to 'create' bar > brush and pick assets - these steps allow you to bring assets to scene
3. Open asset browser: you can browse for assets, brushes, texture and sounds
4. Database view> vegetation panel : you can manage your vegetation here
5. Database view> music: you can manage your music in the level
6. Lighting tool: allows you to change time of the day
7. Flowgraph: allows you to script your level by adding nodes to other nodes
8. View > open view pane> track view : allows you to animate camera
2. Reflection
The first lecture gave me an overview of
what I have to do for the first and second experiment through past projects and
gave me some ideas on how I would want my level to look like. I think crysis is
a software that will really allow me to expand on my creativity and create an
island that seems so real but it doesn’t exist in the world.